Tuesday, January 10, 2012

She's a Slut?! BIGGEST Dating Mistakes Guys Make

Let's face it,
at the end of the day we dress better, we take care of ourselves and stay fit, not only to compliment ourselves in front of the mirror for hours, but also to attract the opposite sex.

We are SOCIAL animals, which means that our sexual needs and intimacy are completely natural. Being desired is just another need that makes us human. There should be no shame into being horny and seeking some form of casual sex or having a desire of having a long-term relationship over casual sex. We are just programmed that way.

Today's society is EXTREMELY confused about what is a slut and to make things worse it's giving false information to guys about attracting chicks. It makes it harder than it should actually be for both genders to have a peaceful sexual life or one at all.

I strongly believe that getting your dating life in check is one of the main keys to living a fulfilling life. It allows you to eliminate a big need in order to start investing your mental energy into a higher purpose and just progress in your life. Plus what's a better stress reliever than some kinky, toe-curling sex?... Exactly.

Don't get me wrong, I respect you ladies, but you got some bullshit mentalities circulating that's making you miss a lot of amazing opportunities. Guys you can be even worst, acting on some weird behaviours that for sure will chase the girls of your dreams away.

Today I'm going to clear a bit for you guys. Now, first things first:

The whole SLUT-bashing scene pisses me off.

Religion prohibits sex before marriage, mass media looks down upon the girls that cheated in their unhappy marriages, etc... With all due respect to religious people, society imposed this negative image concerning a girl's sexual life that makes no sense for anybody not bound by spiritual obligations. It just confuses things.

Think about your entourage a bit and you'll see guys are getting more immature and tend to hate on the chicks that turned them down but slept with other people. Girls are even worse, because they can literally ruin another girls social life just for sleeping with the wrong guy.

That's complete BULLSHIT.

If two people are attracted to each-other and they consent to a night of dripping-ecstacy and orgasms, why should anybody hate on that? . Like hell, it's a lot better than jacking-off and the benefits of sex are off the charts. I'd honestly recommend anybody to have it as often as possible.

There's two problems with this mentality:
( Excluding all the girls that know what they want. This is targeted to a general population)

1- First girls will start to refuse their own desires for the sake of their image. 

That not only makes it harder for guys also to finally break that sexual barrier, but it creates problems for the girl that never actually exist a.k.a mental confusion.

2- Second, it creates a dishonest living a.k.a "Liars"

Guys are afraid they won't get to bust a nut and girls are afraid they will look like a slut if they both admit: they just wanna fuck. In consequence, some lie about wanting a relationship in order to get some action. Again, BULLSHIT.

We're supposed to be a society that helps each-other, not push each-other towards self-destruction.

I hate it when people lie about wanting a relationship when all they want is some casual sex. Not only will they jump in an unwanted commitment(that's if they actually do), but they will damage the other person's trust which will be making things harder for someone else coming along who might be a perfect match for them.

Once you're attracted physically and spent a good night together, you should already have an idea if the person's a candidate for building a relationship, just casual sex or nothing at all. What's so hard about stating your real intentions? Guys, as being the leaders of the relationship grow some balls and state them. Girls it's your duty after to be honest with what you really think

If you think the person is good potential for a relationship, start taking them on dates to get to know them. If you just want some casual sex, set some rules and get that going. Even if you want nothing, make that crystal clear, because if you're really comfortable in your own skin, you shouldn't need the feeling of them constantly chasing you.

If the partner does not feel the same, move on. Better than to walk out then damaged out of the experience.

Some think its scary, because society never really endorsed it, but casual sex happens ALL THE TIME. It's okay to verbalize it and set some ground rules for that kind of relationship.

So take a word of advice: Nobody knows whats better for YOU than YOURSELF. As long as you practice safe-sex, go ahead and do whatever you like with whoever you like. 

Now guys:

Man-up, know what you want and take the lead!

While a lot of guys are struggling to understand why they don't have the results they want with women, I completely understand that situation.

I grew up in a household that was filled with lack of communication, which made talking about sex, dating and normal things of a sexual life pretty much taboo. Since my dad never bothered to give me the whole talk about what's the blueprint on getting a girlfriend, the only talk I got was some bullshit nonsense of being a nice guy and treating girls like princesses from my mom. (It's okay Mom , I forgive ya!)

Anyways, a lot of years, a lot of mistakes and important details later ...I finally got to a point in my relationships that I can pretty much say : I'm amazingly happy.

My results have to do with pretty much what a lot of guys seem to be missing: Maning-up, knowing what they want and taking the lead. Want it or not guys, women are not attracted to men that try to please them constantly:
Women are attracted to men. Period.

I could write a book on what it is to be a man, but in order to keep this article as short as possible I'm going to write the top mistakes that instantly cut-off attraction with the girls and give the solutions to becoming an attractive man.

1- Being needy and chasing one girl at a time.

Unless you're in a monogamous relationship, there should be no reason that you're only flirting with one girl. The main reason a lot of guys fail is mostly because they invest all their energy in one option. Usually what happens when you have only one option, you give off so much energy in the beginning that the girl usually gets scared away. The only time that works is when you struck the lightning of luck and the girl happens to also place you as her top priority in the beginning... those kind of relationships usually lead to nowhere good.

Guys need to be realize, a beautiful women has on average of 10 guys chasing her. That means you really have to be the top-pick. Non-neediness is one of the most important attributes to cultivate. You must show you have standards and be willing to walk away if she does not live up to your standards and expectations. Think about it: if you already had a life full of amazingly beautiful women would you really care if an interaction with a new one failed? Hell nahhh. You have enough going on in your life that it is ok if one interaction doesn't work out! This is the type of attitude that drives women wild and is one of the major reasons that 10% of guys are able to get 90% of the women out there.  

I cannot emphasize this enough: you must release your attachment to the outcome. Every day, you run across hundreds of women, many of whom are attracted to you, so you can afford to fuck up and release the ones not meant for you.

2- Giving her the lead

The process of building and sustaining attraction is like a dance and as a man, you are expected to be the leader. It is actually sad that most women are tired of waiting for men to step up and lead the interaction. This isn't to say that she cannot make any sort of decision in the relationship, far from it. Relationships are about compromise and mutual respect. This just means that it is up to YOU to guide it where you both want it to go. Don't wait for her to take the reigns and make things happen. This is a fundamental component to being a leader in other areas of your life as well.

3- Lying and not being yourself.

One of the most attractive qualities a person can have is knowing who they are as a person, what they are all about, and what they are or aren't willing to agree with and accept.  A lot of guys loose a big core of their attraction because they step out of their persona in order to create fake commonalities or just impress her. 

Do not agree with everything she says just because you like her, she can tell when you are just agreeing with her so she'll like you, or agreeing because you actually agree. Girls are basically human-lie-detectors.
If you do that, she will find you weak and assume she can walk all over you. It is better to voice your opinion when you disagree. There is no need to apologize for it, cause it's not a big deal.  However, do not disagree with her just for the sake of arguing, because then you become annoying. Create a compromise in order to make both parties happy. Just know what you want, need and desire and stand by them until death. 

4- Being available all the time

Being available all the time is another of the huge mistakes guys make.

First, it comes down to basic lying because you are putting her over your other priorities. In the beginning, there should be no reason that a girl should be your priority. Your life should be filled with interesting hobbies, friends, events , etc... You shouldn't pause your life to get back to her text or call right away or even worst by tossing aside an important event for a date with her. Make her wait, but don't exaggerate and make her wait centuries all the time. Mix it up and be natural to it. Finish your stuff first, get back to her later. IMPORTANT: if you are in the middle of a conversation, wait to finish it up or indicate that you have to go. We are men, not boys.

Second, girls WANT to EARN their importance in your life. If you give it from the start, they feel like they haven't earned anything at all. Be like the prize she has to earn and the relationship will be more fruitful.

That's all for now guys.

Take these tips and start incorporating them into your persona. They are essential to your evolution as a man and will allow you to live a more honest life.

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