Monday, January 16, 2012

Orange Juice? Orange Fat!

    I'm sitting on a sofa with my best friend in an awesome chalet, with around 30 people just having a blast and I'm writing this while he's playing on Call of Duty 2. Does it say anything about my social life? Not at all, just explains what I do on hangover days, you pre-judging bastard! 

Even though we're having a blast and I did get drunk, I managed to keep it on a low caloric level and actually lost weight instead of gaining (check out the article on how to drink and loose weight for more info). All this was thanks to planning my meals and bringing a bit of material to workout when we're not partying. Jogging in the mountain was also a bonus, since I noticed a more burn in my legs from all the inclines.

Anyways, enough of bragging about my dedication to working during fun-time, today I want to cover a HUGE commercial lie: Healthy fruit juice. 

(almost in all my articles something pisses me off, but that does not mean i'm an angry person (smiley face))

To start off with, the bloody thing never actually satisfies your thirst. 
I remember as a kid I could drink 3-4 litters of that juice in a time space of an hour and with that much sugar in my system I felt like I could go steal a truck of oranges and make some more. Seriously ask yourself the question if it satisfied your thirst. Probably not.

                                                             (this actually does.)

Second, it furthers you away from your fat loss and health goals.

Sure you get your dose of vitamin C, but the juice is missing a lot of enzymes and just accelerates insulin production. 

Think about it, with 1 orange you make around half a glass of an orange juice. So basically in a glass you have 2-3 oranges and we all know you won't drink only a glass. An average person (based on a small survey I did with the people in the chalet and Facebook questioning) drinks around 2.5 glasses of juice when they actually buy a carton and drink in the morning. Thats around a GOOD 6-7.5 oranges… in one meal. 


When we try to loose fat, we want to cut down on the carbs. Keep it simple and just have a glass of water with an orange instead. Not only are you cutting HEAVILY on your calories, but at the same time you're getting more vitamins and essential enzymes that you don't get in a juice instead.

Now I know what most people think: Well I don't give a crap about sugar, I'll drink my juice anyways. Well think about it this way: 2 seconds of pleasure or a sexy-healthy body that will last for years? 
The choice you take will determine how smart you really are. 

Let's not forget that much sugar will get you a sugar crash.

You really want to walk zombie mode and be irritable for a good 1-2 hours for the seconds of pleasure? Everybody will hate you for being a piss-off, your girlfriend/boyfriend will dump you, your whole family will throw you on the street and you'll end up that homeless person begging money for crack in order to forget how miserable you really are… ALL BECAUSE OF A GLASS OF ORANGE JUICE. 

Ok I'm definitely exaggerating, but you get the point here.

Now remember, switch with a bottle of water and an orange instead and you'll see an improvement in your results and just keep that glass of juice for your cheat days, it will be more beneficial for your long-term struggle with keeping a lean life.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

She's a Slut?! BIGGEST Dating Mistakes Guys Make

Let's face it,
at the end of the day we dress better, we take care of ourselves and stay fit, not only to compliment ourselves in front of the mirror for hours, but also to attract the opposite sex.

We are SOCIAL animals, which means that our sexual needs and intimacy are completely natural. Being desired is just another need that makes us human. There should be no shame into being horny and seeking some form of casual sex or having a desire of having a long-term relationship over casual sex. We are just programmed that way.

Today's society is EXTREMELY confused about what is a slut and to make things worse it's giving false information to guys about attracting chicks. It makes it harder than it should actually be for both genders to have a peaceful sexual life or one at all.

I strongly believe that getting your dating life in check is one of the main keys to living a fulfilling life. It allows you to eliminate a big need in order to start investing your mental energy into a higher purpose and just progress in your life. Plus what's a better stress reliever than some kinky, toe-curling sex?... Exactly.

Don't get me wrong, I respect you ladies, but you got some bullshit mentalities circulating that's making you miss a lot of amazing opportunities. Guys you can be even worst, acting on some weird behaviours that for sure will chase the girls of your dreams away.

Today I'm going to clear a bit for you guys. Now, first things first:

The whole SLUT-bashing scene pisses me off.

Religion prohibits sex before marriage, mass media looks down upon the girls that cheated in their unhappy marriages, etc... With all due respect to religious people, society imposed this negative image concerning a girl's sexual life that makes no sense for anybody not bound by spiritual obligations. It just confuses things.

Think about your entourage a bit and you'll see guys are getting more immature and tend to hate on the chicks that turned them down but slept with other people. Girls are even worse, because they can literally ruin another girls social life just for sleeping with the wrong guy.

That's complete BULLSHIT.

If two people are attracted to each-other and they consent to a night of dripping-ecstacy and orgasms, why should anybody hate on that? . Like hell, it's a lot better than jacking-off and the benefits of sex are off the charts. I'd honestly recommend anybody to have it as often as possible.

There's two problems with this mentality:
( Excluding all the girls that know what they want. This is targeted to a general population)

1- First girls will start to refuse their own desires for the sake of their image. 

That not only makes it harder for guys also to finally break that sexual barrier, but it creates problems for the girl that never actually exist a.k.a mental confusion.

2- Second, it creates a dishonest living a.k.a "Liars"

Guys are afraid they won't get to bust a nut and girls are afraid they will look like a slut if they both admit: they just wanna fuck. In consequence, some lie about wanting a relationship in order to get some action. Again, BULLSHIT.

We're supposed to be a society that helps each-other, not push each-other towards self-destruction.

I hate it when people lie about wanting a relationship when all they want is some casual sex. Not only will they jump in an unwanted commitment(that's if they actually do), but they will damage the other person's trust which will be making things harder for someone else coming along who might be a perfect match for them.

Once you're attracted physically and spent a good night together, you should already have an idea if the person's a candidate for building a relationship, just casual sex or nothing at all. What's so hard about stating your real intentions? Guys, as being the leaders of the relationship grow some balls and state them. Girls it's your duty after to be honest with what you really think

If you think the person is good potential for a relationship, start taking them on dates to get to know them. If you just want some casual sex, set some rules and get that going. Even if you want nothing, make that crystal clear, because if you're really comfortable in your own skin, you shouldn't need the feeling of them constantly chasing you.

If the partner does not feel the same, move on. Better than to walk out then damaged out of the experience.

Some think its scary, because society never really endorsed it, but casual sex happens ALL THE TIME. It's okay to verbalize it and set some ground rules for that kind of relationship.

So take a word of advice: Nobody knows whats better for YOU than YOURSELF. As long as you practice safe-sex, go ahead and do whatever you like with whoever you like. 

Now guys:

Man-up, know what you want and take the lead!

While a lot of guys are struggling to understand why they don't have the results they want with women, I completely understand that situation.

I grew up in a household that was filled with lack of communication, which made talking about sex, dating and normal things of a sexual life pretty much taboo. Since my dad never bothered to give me the whole talk about what's the blueprint on getting a girlfriend, the only talk I got was some bullshit nonsense of being a nice guy and treating girls like princesses from my mom. (It's okay Mom , I forgive ya!)

Anyways, a lot of years, a lot of mistakes and important details later ...I finally got to a point in my relationships that I can pretty much say : I'm amazingly happy.

My results have to do with pretty much what a lot of guys seem to be missing: Maning-up, knowing what they want and taking the lead. Want it or not guys, women are not attracted to men that try to please them constantly:
Women are attracted to men. Period.

I could write a book on what it is to be a man, but in order to keep this article as short as possible I'm going to write the top mistakes that instantly cut-off attraction with the girls and give the solutions to becoming an attractive man.

1- Being needy and chasing one girl at a time.

Unless you're in a monogamous relationship, there should be no reason that you're only flirting with one girl. The main reason a lot of guys fail is mostly because they invest all their energy in one option. Usually what happens when you have only one option, you give off so much energy in the beginning that the girl usually gets scared away. The only time that works is when you struck the lightning of luck and the girl happens to also place you as her top priority in the beginning... those kind of relationships usually lead to nowhere good.

Guys need to be realize, a beautiful women has on average of 10 guys chasing her. That means you really have to be the top-pick. Non-neediness is one of the most important attributes to cultivate. You must show you have standards and be willing to walk away if she does not live up to your standards and expectations. Think about it: if you already had a life full of amazingly beautiful women would you really care if an interaction with a new one failed? Hell nahhh. You have enough going on in your life that it is ok if one interaction doesn't work out! This is the type of attitude that drives women wild and is one of the major reasons that 10% of guys are able to get 90% of the women out there.  

I cannot emphasize this enough: you must release your attachment to the outcome. Every day, you run across hundreds of women, many of whom are attracted to you, so you can afford to fuck up and release the ones not meant for you.

2- Giving her the lead

The process of building and sustaining attraction is like a dance and as a man, you are expected to be the leader. It is actually sad that most women are tired of waiting for men to step up and lead the interaction. This isn't to say that she cannot make any sort of decision in the relationship, far from it. Relationships are about compromise and mutual respect. This just means that it is up to YOU to guide it where you both want it to go. Don't wait for her to take the reigns and make things happen. This is a fundamental component to being a leader in other areas of your life as well.

3- Lying and not being yourself.

One of the most attractive qualities a person can have is knowing who they are as a person, what they are all about, and what they are or aren't willing to agree with and accept.  A lot of guys loose a big core of their attraction because they step out of their persona in order to create fake commonalities or just impress her. 

Do not agree with everything she says just because you like her, she can tell when you are just agreeing with her so she'll like you, or agreeing because you actually agree. Girls are basically human-lie-detectors.
If you do that, she will find you weak and assume she can walk all over you. It is better to voice your opinion when you disagree. There is no need to apologize for it, cause it's not a big deal.  However, do not disagree with her just for the sake of arguing, because then you become annoying. Create a compromise in order to make both parties happy. Just know what you want, need and desire and stand by them until death. 

4- Being available all the time

Being available all the time is another of the huge mistakes guys make.

First, it comes down to basic lying because you are putting her over your other priorities. In the beginning, there should be no reason that a girl should be your priority. Your life should be filled with interesting hobbies, friends, events , etc... You shouldn't pause your life to get back to her text or call right away or even worst by tossing aside an important event for a date with her. Make her wait, but don't exaggerate and make her wait centuries all the time. Mix it up and be natural to it. Finish your stuff first, get back to her later. IMPORTANT: if you are in the middle of a conversation, wait to finish it up or indicate that you have to go. We are men, not boys.

Second, girls WANT to EARN their importance in your life. If you give it from the start, they feel like they haven't earned anything at all. Be like the prize she has to earn and the relationship will be more fruitful.

That's all for now guys.

Take these tips and start incorporating them into your persona. They are essential to your evolution as a man and will allow you to live a more honest life.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Jogging & Sprinting: The DEADLY combo.

Second day from the release of Wolf-Pack Fitness Systems and everything is going just AMAZING.

I'm discovering a lot of new things, getting lots of support from lovely people like YOU and most importantly I'm getting e-mails from people that are telling us how much they loved the killing feeling of the first work-outs .

 You have no idea how much that motivates me and pushes me to delivering awesome content. So I'd like to take this moment and say:

I'm just feeling overwhelmed . Your support REALLY means a lot.

Anyways, today I'm releasing Shredding the Pack 1st week's workout, both the gym and home edition on writing, while the videos will be up by Friday.

Now like anybody would guess, there's no complete Fat Loss program without cardio.
I know what you're thinking: "Paul... cardio is boring and its winter, I'll just freeze my ass in boredom."


I'm telling you to suck it up and stop going for a jog naked. Just put some clothes on and you'll be fine. Once you get that first mile in, you'll actually be sweating icicles, which is pretty cool considering it makes you look like you got superpowers.

But I'm here to break a big myth which is: THE MORE YOU JOG THE MORE FAT YOU'LL BURN!

Man I just want to find the person who said that and smack him in the face. I wasted so much of my earlier time jogging then actually getting results done back when I started hitting the gym some years ago. I could have achieved my goals a lot easier, so that's what I'm gonna do today.

First things first: I love jogs. They are essential to being a COMPLETE fit person.
Not only that, but they offer an amazing time to just clear your mind and connect with nature. I believe we're living in a generation that we're just too connected to technology. Going out in a park to jog, not only is good on your body, but your mind will feel refreshed and will get yourself going and motivated.

A lot of you guys probably heard me before discouraging long jogs, which I still do. Anything over 40-45minutes is bullshit in my opinion. It's no good on your lean body mass and let's face it... it gets BORING.

I like to hit an hour jog from time to time, but thats just for the sake of beating my previous distances. I got to a 10k in the freezing cold recently, feels good bro.

Jogging by itself is starting to be disused in the fitness industry. The problem with it, I'm gonna try to keep it real simple, it's the fact that it's TOO rhythmic. Your body gets used to the constant pace and therefore need less and less calories to spend to perform the same work. 

For example let's say you START to jog every day for 30 minutes. The first day you'll be sweating and burning calories like Peter Griffin chasing a Twinkie. The sad part is, by next month, your body gets used to the pattern and uses nearly nothing as energy in order to perform the same jog, thus leaving you in a fat burning plateau. 

If theres any Jog lovers like me out there, it makes it a sad fact, but theres a whole bunch of other benefits to jogging that just makes it damn worth to be addicted to.

Since I'm going to be with you guys for 8weeks(16 for some), I had to think of how I could keep the constant fat-loss without hitting that plateau, just pure fat shredding the whole WAY.
So I came up while experimenting this summer with a 2-way system. Basically we have a building in phase of 8 weeks, and a shredding mayhem for elite CUTTING performance in the last 8 weeks.
(Yes it doesn't only sound like hard-work, it actually is and works wonders)

Lucky for you readers, I'm giving the first 8 weeks to everyone for free.

First thing first: LONG JOGS STAY... once a week at the end of your last workout (its usually after a strength training or density if you're following the home edition, so it should only feel good).

These long jogs are actually beneficial since they are exactly after we used up all the sugar in our muscles to lift heavy. We will be keeping them under 6km and between 20-25mins. So if you can get to 1k per 5minutes , that's awesome. 

We want these jogs to be fast paced, and diverse inclinations to not allow the body to adjust. You can either get your ass on a treadmill and hit it at around 7-8mph, while remembering to change your inclination every 2 minutes or you can actually get to a park and have a jogging adventure and not have to worry about a thing. 

Either way, you gonna sweat.

Second: High Intensity Interval Training - The father of all pukes.

I could get into a long lecture, but too many people talked about HIIT cardio for me to re-consider making this post longer than it already is. So to make it simple and short, in order to confuse our body and burn more calories than needed, we're going to SPRINT. 

For gym version: Go on a treadmill and warm-up for 3 minutes with a slow walk (i like it at 4mph)
Right after your 3 minutes, set it to a sprint/run setting (I like 12mph) and continue there for a minute, once thats done and your heart feeling like its about to explode, set it to a slow jog speed (i like 6mph) and let your body cool down for 2 minutes. Then REPEAT another 2 times (without the warm-up). End it all with a 3 minute cool down (1min 4mph and 2 mins 3mph). Puke out of your nose on that hot chick's shirt next to you. Done.

For home version: Grab a jump rope and do exactly the same. Just instead of slow jogs, its slow jumps. When it comes to the minute running, do a minute of FAST jumprope. You can keep it to 2 sets, jump rope is a bit more of a fat loss killer than running. 
But if you don't actually want jumprope (WHY?! IT'S THE ULTIMATE FAT BURNING TOOL!), go outside and perform in the same fashion.

So re-cap:    Time:         Gym Version            Home Version
                 0-3min           3-4mph                     slow jumps
                  3-4min           10-12mph                 fast jumps
                  4-6mins          4-6mph                     normal paced jumps
                 6-7mins           10-12mph                FAST JUMPS
                 7-9mins           4-6mph                     normal paced jumps
                 9-10mins         10-12mph                FAST JUMPS (you're about to puke here)
                 10-12mins        4-6mph                    normal paced jumps
                  12-15mins       3-4mph                   slow like you're about to collapse

Now we'll be doing that for the first 2weeks, on week 3 well add an extra set.
Same for week 5 and same for week 7. 
On week 5 we'll add an extra HIIT day.

It sounds scary now, but you'll see by the end of week 8, you'll be running those 6 sets like NOTHING.

Now to the last: Jump rope!

At first I thought of just giving you 25 minutes of jump rope, but then I started experimenting them at the end of workouts, and they turned out to be WAY more effective. Ladies, you will love this, it tones the legs and hips very nicely. For us guys, the definition on our 6pack will come in nicely and it also builds the calves. Yes calves are seen as an primitive attractive factor. You got nice calves, people tend to see you as stronger unconsciously, so work on those chicken legs!

That's all you need to know. Tonight I'll post the how to build your own gym and I'll be posting the workout schedule and videos tomorrow. Make sure you get everything before you get started and like our Facebook page.

Get strong, shred fat : Join the pack!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cheating like a pro!

No this blog has nothing to do with helping you get your splinter cell on and pass your finals. I could of, but think its kinda late for that. Oops sowraay.

Back to intelligent matter, those who've been following my Facebook page saw that I did a 7-day project of posting everything I eat in order to educate you guys on what is really a healthy diet. Some people spot me posting in the end only 2 meals (sneaky stalkers) and started bitching of how hard it is keeping with only 2 meals in that day.

Guys don't panic! I REALLY want you to starve and get rid of all your cake and cookie eating habits FOREVER..


Fuck that, imagine how horrible that would be? No Oreos? No fruit loops? And specially no cheesecake?
Man that would be one cruel world.
"But Paul! That shits bad for you like a nigga in yo house"(not racist since I used the term "nigga" and mostly just referring at Patrick LoneWolf)

Actually you can use junk food to burn fat. 
Imagine just eating your favourite snacks and that fat melts off to make space for those sexy abs. It's a beautiful world that is quite possible.

Let me elaborate: when you go dieting for a long time, meaning eating whole foods with a calorie intake lower than your daily metabolism needs, your body shreds fat. The more fat you have, the easier it burns. Why? Because the fat inhibits a special hormone that tells your brain when it's time to burn fat, and when it's time to stock it: that hormone is called leptin.

In the most basic way explained, this hormone works like this: a lot of fat = high levels of leptin, not a lot of fat = low levels of leptin.

The higher the level of leptin, the more fat you burn and vice versa. All ex-fatties know how easy it was to burn that first 50lbs and how hard was that last 10lbs. That's because the more you diet and shred fat off, the weaker the signal is to your body to shred off the fat. So if you're skinny, but want even more definition, you're doomed to never achieving it? False

Leptin can be increased temporarily by eating foods high in carbs an fats, basically sparking up your insulin levels. Those foods mainly are chocolate, pizzas, hamburgers, chips, ice cream, CHEESECAKE, etc... All your junk. That doesn't mean you have to eat it everyday and you'll burn forever fat! That's just a stupid assumption, because those foods are high in calories and stack up easily.

With awesome planing, fast-foods could be your sidekicks in fatburning.

There are a LOT of techniques for dieting in using leptin, but I like to I with the classic: 6 days of dieting, 1 day of cheating. It's pretty basic because I'll leave it on a friday or Sunday when I know I'm going to the gym the next day and benefit FULLy from the leptin boost.

When I'm in my cutting phase I prefer eating clean 12 days, cheat on the 13th and fast on the 14th for extreme shredding.

Fasting? How does that work? Unfortunately, go check out my post on AFA: Alchohol, Fasting and being awesome.

So now you know how to eat well without having to sacrifice your favorite foods. I hope you start understanding that this can become a life-style, instead of just another diet till summer. A sexy body can be maintained.

Me and Patrick are releasing the Wolf-Pack Fitness Systems workouts for FREE on YouTube starting the first week of January. So start implementing the diet with the workouts and be ready to make a big step in the quality of your life.

Become better, become who you deserve. Join the pack

AFA: Alcohol, fatloss and being awesome.

Sup guys, finally got less busy and decided to get back on writing the blog. Actually, no I'm just as busy, but decided to put the blog up as priority. Either way,


Today's subject is how to get drunk without ruining your diet... Just in time for the holidays!

While I've been hella busy working on making Wolf-Pack Fitness Systems beginning happen, I've been also busy finishing up school.
Studying for finals, staying up late gathering ideas on work while maintaining a proper diet and hardcore gym-time: it's EXHAUSTING. We got a life to lead but some claim it comes with a lack of energy... Lucky I've always been a hyper kid well stacked on surpluses (had to do a lot with chocolate and being so fat that I'd been sweating in a freezer).

Anyways you know how college works: you finish finals, you get smashed. Period.

I do not encourage that. In fact, I discourage anything that has to do with getting pissed drunk.

Don't get me wrong, I like to drink my casual wine or cognac on ice glass. I think there's a James Bond look to you drinking at the bar, relaxed with a glass of Scotch and wondering if that red-headed in the corner ogling you like an open Frero Rocher is a tease or really just wants you to go there and be the man that will make her...

We're getting off topic here.

It's okay to drink, but people just plain abuse it.
I've been partying for ages with-out getting pissed drunk. Only times I REALLY drink are probably on my birthday and new-years. Even now I'm contemplating if I should only stick to a bottle to a half-bottle of wine for upcoming New-Years. Before you start rage quitting here and have a nuclear mindfuck, there are two reasons for that:

1- I can have fun with-out being drunk. Actually, I even enjoy it more like that. It keeps me in control and game on-point. I know if I happen to meet a hot chick, I won't be like any other Zombie Drunk there trying to score. I'll happen to be a sober Zombie tryin to score. Which is better, 1- you are virtually more attractive, 2-there's less chances of falling asleep when I'm done on my part, and more chance I'll leave my partner soaking in a cloud of toe-curling pleasure.

2- it just furthers me from any of my goals.
Waking up in the morning feeling full from McDee'z, too tired with a hangover and barely remembering anything is not what I call advancing your productivity, nor living.

Some people use booze to open up, but you'd be better off putting your social awkwardness out in the open and improving that, without having to relay on anything. Not only it makes you a better person, but you're not destroying your body while your at it.

Alcohol, specially beer, is an instant fat-gainer. Not only that but it slows down your metabolism, and let's not talk about the alcohol munchies that HAVE TO be obeyed. No benefit except lowering your standards when the place you're in has nothing to offer and you really NEED to destress. You know who you are.

But since I know most of you will probably not give a shit and drink anyways, the best I can do here is teach you on how to do it effectively.

First, stick to HARD LIQUOR.
Beer and wine are high in sugar and it's just asking your blood sugar to spike up and wake up insulin to store it as fat. Straight shots or double jacks on ice will do. Stay away from mixing it with sodas and juices if you want to cut A LOT of cals. Take diet soda if you're too much of a pussy to drink it straight.

If you plan on drinking, make it on a night that you want to cheat completely. Eat till your satisfied but never to the point of discomfort. You'll need the vitamins and minerals, even the bare minimum considering it's all you can get form McDonald's. It will also lower the headache te next morning. Stack up on those leptin hormones and prepare for the last step of war.

Last step- intermediate fasting

When you wake up with a dry mouth, head hurting, feeling pretty much like you had a marathon through the Sahara desert, first thing you want to get is a whole gallon of water. Rehydration is key to getting your system back on track.
The alcohol from your pervious night depleted your mineral resources and slowed down your metabolism to allow your liver to filter out the toxins. Giving your digestive system a break, by fasting the next 24hrs, is the ideal approach to kicking your metabolism back into overdrive and burning off those calories from the night before (assuming you didn't puke it all over that hottie's shirt after some intense flirting).
Since your leptin levels are almost at their highest, we will benefit from this opportunity to get a lactic acid training and a HIIT cardio. Not only you will be burning a pound of pure fat, but you'll see that not eating is quite easy when you're soaking in endorphins.

Things to consider for a proper fast period:
- fast until the next morning, that means no calorie intake what so ever. You can drink diet sodas for the flavor but toute just asking for a spanking.
-you will want to intake some BCAAs every 2-3hrs to avoid muscle loss.
-Drinking some green, white, black and oolong tea will get you maximum metabolism increase while benefiting from the antioxidants.

Fasting is not only amazing for shredding the fat, but it's an awesome body detox that brings a mental clarity: something like you'd be on top of mount Fuji meditating with some hipster monks.

So get your shit together and start making these Holidays a tactical advancement in your progress, not a pitfall to your fat-gain.

Monday, November 7, 2011

5 ways to make your dreams come true

Been a while since I didn’t get to write a blog, but guess what?! IT’S BACK!
(I know what you’re thinking: “no shit Sherlock, I’m reading it right now” but hey I had to make a cheesy intro)
It was my birthday yesterday and I thought I’d reshape my goals and habits and get a weekly blog filled with delicious self-development info for you guys since I love you so so soooo much. Really.

Those who really know me will probably tell you that I’m a dedicated person.

I do everything in my power in order to reach my goals.
10 minutes away from waking up and drinking my coffee I’m already jumping into routine: morning work-outs, write a few e-mails and reading my daily askmen articles and laugh at some of the shitty advice from women to men in the single women section. No offence ladies, but you girls don’t give advice to keep men around you, you give advice for you to lose all attraction to the man and flatter you ego (I don’t judge, I’d probably do the same haha)

Back on topic, I’ve been asked a numerous times how I keep on track.

I’ve been working on becoming an awesome person for a few years and I still have a long way to go. I’ll probably say I’m at half-awesome right now, still missing a few animals to rescue and a few damsels in distress but I’ll get there.

Some people say I’m motivated, but that’s far from the truth.
I get motivational days maybe once a month, but that’s not what keeps me going: Habits do.

Motivation does the first step; habits are the jog in the race.

Seriously, if you were motivated to work out like the first day your crush told you were too fat or too skinny to be her type (what a bitch), seriously apply in a clinical trial, neurologists would love to study your brain chemistry. But if you’re anything like me, just damn lazy sometimes, this article is for you.

I missed these color changes :)
So let’s get started:

1- Create a List

Nothing keeps your goals going like knowing the steps to reach them. 

Grab a pen, grab a notebook, or if you have an smartphone get the app “Habit Factor” or “Awesome Notes”, and start writing your major goals aka. Your dreams.

I’ll share mine to give you a few ideas: Get into Med School, write a book, see the big 1 000 000 in my bank account, get my body to look good enough to be posted in the CK catalog, release a Hip Hop album and be able to climb a tree in a few seconds to save a kitty and backflip down to become the 5yr old girl’s hero (half serious).

Once you have your major goals in mind, develop smaller goals that you think will help you achieve your major goals. 

For example for my Med school goal: Keep my grades above 90% and apply to a BAC that I know I could really perform in. 
For writing a book: write a chapter per month etc…

Right now we’re already getting somewhere and we just shed some light on how your dreams are actually possible.

Now after cutting the grass, let's build the road.
It’s good to have goals, but if you’re not developing some habits to reach those goals you’re not going anywhere. We need daily habits and habits are awesome.

I won’t lie; developing them at first is a pain in the ass. Actually forcing yourself to do something you’re not in the mood to requires a great amount of focus and determination. After a while your mood is already pre-set to do them like a biological clock so it will be just as easy as brushing your teeth. Unless you don’t… that’s gross dude!
Starting the habits on a day you’re motivated is a huge bonus to making the first steps an easy run.

So what are exactly these habits? 

Don’t think eating ice-cream while watching daily the biggest loser will get you that six-pack. Neither studying 20 minutes before a quiz will help you ace them. The habits will have to be informed and a strategically put in your schedule to sure strike to your goals.

I recently moved in with my mom and I know she’s probably reading this right now (HI MOM!), she will tell you every morning I wake up earlier than usual just so I get the time in to do my push-ups and ab exercises before I start eating my break-fast then hit the gym before school. Honestly some days it’s the last thing I wanna do after waking up from a late night of studying, but it became a habit that I feel bad if I don’t do it. I feel incomplete.
Habits are awesome for keeping you in track and the psychological reward is almost as good as chocolate.

Now that you got a structure, here’s an example to help the visual people of how a dream is broken down into something achievable.

Major goal :

Get Into Med-school à Smaller goals :  Keep grades above 90% à habits: Study daily for at least an hour
                                                                       Do something for the community à habits: write a blog weekly, take care of the weaker ones, volunteer personal training, re-shape people’s lives with innovated ideas.
                                                                       Stay ahead of other applicants à Habits: Study anatomy in my spare time, read daily NEJM and UptoDate, just be awesome
               Calvin Klein body à Smaller goals: Get a glowing skin and get bodyfat under 6% à Habit: develop a diet and stick to it daily (1 cheat day per week)
Habit: Hit the gym 4 times a week with 2 days of cardio and 1 day of aquatic fitness
Habits: Daily morning push-ups and ab exercises

Just build a schema that fits your dreams and get started to rock it.

2- Put a timer

I can’t help to empathise how much a timer helps. It helps your focus enormously. I’ve written 1500 word essays in 1 hour by using a timer with a 10 minute mistake review afterward.

When you start using that timer you’re only going to focus on your task and nothing else. Cellphone off, facebook off, twitter should not even exist and nike it: just do it. It’s kinda like implementing the idea that someone has a gun to your head. The pressure of a timer is a huge placebo effect but it works so well on so many different levels.

Next time you’re studying take a timer set a 45 minute and just do it till the timer runs off. NOTHING ELSE. Remember to reward yourself with a 15 minute break and something you enjoy before re-start the workload.  Dark-chocolate and Facebook usually does the trick for both guys and girls. Girls just get the benefit of being multitaskers, case proven you can usually see on your newsfeed 100 pictures of them taking their break. That phenomenon will forever remain a mystery in the eyes of guys.

3- Focus, prioritize and organize.

As much as I like to stay awesome, it’s a handful if I’m not organizing it. During the exam session this semester it was almost impossible to stay on track. I was sleeping barely 4 hours a day and trying to keep my routine just because I didn’t re-arrange my habits to fit the workload.
I didn’t prioritize my studying and allowed other goals like writing my book, taking care of others and my side-studies to stay on my schedule where they could have waited a week or 2.  I suffered like hell for that. I was basically a walking zombie for 2 weeks straight. I would have been an awesome cast for Dawn of the Dead.

Focus helped me stay on track and remember my dreams. Even though I knew I was dead tired and didn’t study yet, I had to cut hours of sleep to fit the studying in. You can’t have it all.
We’re in our early 20’s and some of you readers are probably still teenagers and we all think we can do it all. The whole superman mentality is a load of crap. You have to sacrifice some things to get other things done. Being a jack of all trades won’t get you shit, but being the master of few will.
Studying is my main priority but so is fitness. Nothing can cut these 2. I need both to keep my head clear and performing. Other things like dating; going out and partying can definitely wait.

Got an exam tomorrow? Post-phone your date. (Guys that makes you even more attractive for showing you’re not a needy bastard. You’re probably not getting any by the third date anyways so you can spare yourself the pain of blue balls and ace that quiz instead.)
Got to get ready to head out? You’ll probably feel better and feel more confident if you hit the gym before. Get that done first and be late. The club won’t go anywhere and it’s so much funnier to get there when everybody is already drunk.

Anyways, just get your priorities in order.

If you don’t have time to finish your other habits because of huge periods like exams and near break-up issues, cut some off and add them on a list. Put the list on your fridge or smartphone reminder and get them done the next week. Some people never do anything what so ever so don’t start digging your death hole with guilt, it will also probably feel better and fresh on your head to get a small break.
4- Take a 20 minute nap or meditation break

The magic of a nap is incredible. Meditation is even better. I’m not saying to start carrying a pillow with you or become an isolated monk on top of mount Fiji, but taking a small break has advantages on your nervous system. It allows you to spare yourself a mental breakdown or even over-training. Makes all the work you already did a thing of yesterday.

A few studies published by Harvard M.D department last month just started showing how meditation has gigantic benefits: one of them is the glow and regeneration of your skin tissue and mostly on mental health and hormone regulation. Just look at most of the old gurus of meditation, they look like they’re late 30’s when they’re actually dinasour-old wrinkly men on the inside (70’s).

Remember to put a 20 minute time to nap or to light a candle close the lights and focus on clearing your head and you’re off to a better day.



It’s impossible to stay productive 24/7. Your mind will stab you, throw you in a cliff and just laugh at your pitiful death (totally serious). Unless you suffer from OCD, your body and mind needs a break. Just act like a kid in elementary pretending he’s sick. Just stay home and do whatever you want and dedicate the day to anything but work. Cut the guilt off, it will do you better good than bad. What’s the point to work if you’re not living?

I’m trying to be productive as much as possible; heck I’m finishing this blog in the metro as we speak. During regular days my schedule is booked from A to Z, I barely have time for women, joy chilling and playing with my puppy (sorry puffy but we don’t even live in the same house anymoreL) We are all human. We have our sexual, attentive and pleasure needs. I usually take my Friday’s off to clean the house or whatever my mom’s bitching about during the week, watch movies, bring back some childhood cartoons and go out on dates.

Dedicating a day to fulfilling those needs will keep you on check and your motivation flowing through your pleasure centers. After all who wants to meet an over-worked, totally serious sex-deprived idiot? We all know those people don’t lighten up our day so why become one.

Now that you know what you can do about going for your dreams, work your ass off. I’ll gladly help anybody that wants or needs help to achieve their goals; it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside and plus I’ll probably get my letters of recommendation off you guys haha
Feel free to drop a comment to share your own tricks or e-mail me for any help needed,


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Estrogen and Weights, Guy's Hard Eye Candy

Well well well, when I started writing this, it was about 3 am last week after I just finished working-out. A week later finishing it with the same story. Good times to work out heh?
The idea started out after watching a romantic comedy with the best friends* and I realized I needed to get off my ass to cook my food for the whole week after that workout...

Food + Girls + Working-out = An article to create eye candy?!

*no ladies and gents, we`re not gay. Romantic comedies is what makes men, real men. It has to do a whole scientific reason that we`re in contact with our emotional side and can understand the lost lost world that you ladies come from. An example of being in contact with our feminine side is my best friend Pop cuddling with my puppy while watching a romantic comedy.... oh wait that`s just gay. Sorry Pop!

Guess what we`re gonna discuss today ladies?

No, today we`re not gonna talk about my amazingly good looks, charming  personality, animal rescuer traits, etc...

I`m gonna teach you how to get a SEXY body.

Those who know me personally know how addicted I am to fitness and nutrition, so I decided to take this to my advantage and add it to my other passion: women. 

I have taken the role of re-shaping the world around me for the pleasure of my eyes.Yeah I`m definitely self-centered to help you girls get a sexy body for your man/women/both/and god-forbid animal.

First of all lets get the biggest training myth for women ruled out:

Weight training will not get you Arnold muscles!

It`s impossible.
For muscle building, testosterone is required. Testosterone is what is used to grow facial hair, produce thick skin ,muscle and bone growth, mental focus, good moods(confidence) and more importantly in sex drives. As much as I`d love for women to have more testosterone for its benefits other than facial hair, thick skin, muscle and bone growth, it`s impossible. But just so it`s out, I want you more focused on me and more sexually active anyways.

Males produce between 300 to 1000 picograms per milliteres in their adolescence and adulthood peek 19-25yrs old, while females produce between 70 to 100.picograms per milliliter through their adolescence and adulthood peek and it just decreases by 2-5 percent per year after that until its down to a low of 5% of its initial rate by the age of 70. It`s a main reason why you loose your sex drive at menopause and most elderly males start going to the young ladies, but that`s a complete other subject of discussion.

You just cannot produce so much testosterone in order to have the same bodies as us.
But guess what?!

Heavy weight training = more testosterone produced by your endocrines!

It is actually recommended for you girls to have at least 2 heavy weight training per month in order to have all the testosterone benefits on your brain and bones. Not only that but heavy weight training produces both neurogenic and  myogenic muscle tone, both of which are important for building an attractive physique.

More testosterone = more confidence, more mental stability, a better toned body and bigger sex drives

Isen`t that a win-win situation for both you and your man? Specially the mental-stability part, hint hint its what helps you keep your man!  But enough about that, we all know that mentally stable girls are only myths.

Stop the whole lame warm-ups crap!

One of my fitness idols John Romaniello wrote about this in one of his articles about the warm-ups.

"In most cases, your warm up should bear a fair similarity to your actual training.  Given that we’ve pretty established that slow paced workouts—be they cardio or strength training—are essentially useless, why would you think to warm up that way?  And yet, more often than not, you see women getting ready for fast-paced, intense workouts warming up with a lame 10 minute walk on the treadmill.

I implore you, do NOT do this!  It’s simply time wasted that could be spent getting you to your goals."

He couldn't be more right! Not only it`s time wasted, but you`re boring yourself and losing motivation while wasting energy on stupid tasks. Be cool, grab a skip rope or jump into a quick 5 minute dynamic stretching/workout routine instead.

Ladies using skip-ropes raises the guys heart rates in the gym.
(win-win again)

Having a dynamic warm-up gets your body ready for a heavy load workout. It`s like a quick sprint to your goals. Talking about sprints that brings me to my next subject:

Sprint towards success, put that slow wussy cardio in the garbage!

I won`t ever stop debating about this. That long jog is useless. They are long and boring. Those same amount of calories burnt in those 30-45minute jogs could have been burnt in in a quick 10-15 minute sprint instead. Not only that but the sprints promote leg muscle building at the same time. Hmmm sexy legs, yum!

Next time you think about being lazy and hitting that treadmill with a boring non-working slow cardio bullshit... 

Hit the bike instead.

Quoting here again:
"A few years back, I attended a seminar led by Dr. John Berardi, who is an expert in the field of sports nutrition. He is also a world-renowned trainer who works with some of the most elite athletes around.  During the seminar, Berardi made a remark about some Olympic athletes he was training; he had an interesting finding regarding fat loss.

As it turned out, when he had these athletes (all women) do their high intensity sprint workouts on a recumbent bicycle, there was a “disproportionately high” amount of fat loss in the lower body.  John and I discussed this, and although he had a lot of data to back this up, no studies had been done.  Instead, we just had an interesting factoid.

That was about 6 years ago, and in that time I have had a lot of opportunity to work recumbent bike sprints into a good number of my programs; generally for women who found that losing lower body fat was a hardship.  And you know what? IT WORKS."

Other beneficial of bikes include leg muscle and assets toning. Break a sweat ladies, it will benefit you a lot quicker.

Now for the weight training.

                              Focus on the timeglass look!

You girls love a guys back and abs. Remember those Calvin Klein guys? yeah those. Real lean. Let`s not get started on their v`s because I want you to enjoy this article wihtout having to wipe your chair after.

Most guys will agree with me, a slim waist with nice arms, nice rounded chest and sexy legs will get you going.
That means a lot of High intensity interval training for losing weight. Resistence training for your arms. Weight training for your lower body.

Personally, I`m an ass guy. I love a girls butt as much as I love touching my abs, and that`s a lot when their present. Girls with a nice butt, and a nice athletic body is the biggest turn on ever. So i`ll start covering on building those parts.

Focus on squats!

Squats are not only beneficial for your legs, but they build a nice firm butt at the same time. Another nice way is by doing deadlifts. Deadlifts also have the benefits of building a firm lower back. Which of course is any guys dream to see... well lets just say in a style that is mostly canine.

But there`s more!

Squats and dead lifts not only improve lower body toning, but they  have the benefits on improvement of posture and even better, the production of growth hormone. The posture is good since it gives you a sexy look but the growth hormone is what we all need in order to build muscle and bones. Guys need that to be more ripped and the ladies need it to grow taller and develop bigger breasts. Yes they do help your breasts ladies.  (so much win-win situations in this article it`s incredible... it just makes me so happy!)

How to squat:

Now when you ladies will start squatting, go wide. It focuses more on both your legs and your butt at the same time. Pointing your toes externally, go until your butt almost touches the floor then gently bring yourself back up.

For lounges, go backwards. It focuses again mostly on your legs and butt. When you go forward, it focuses on your quads and knee and I don`t want to scare you off with that much muscle building.

Generally I want you to build nice legs without getting freaky results, but I want you building a lot of muscle. The more muscle you have, the more calories you will spend during the day by doing nothing. That means you will be lean all year long.

That reminds me, don`t over-freak about your body, you should not be hanging on both extremes, like one week you`re getting fat, the other you`ll go to the gym. Have a regular routine and don`t over obsess on your looks. In todays society its easy to fall in that trap. Develop a nice routine you can stick to.

Guess what!?

Since I know most of you now have the knowledge, you will be looking for workout examples. Since I`m so nice and handsome (specially handsome) I`m even making a sample routine for you girls to get ready for summer!

Isen`t that freaking awesome?!

Its a 1-2 week EXTREME  routine.
If you want to make it an easy routine, just cut off 2 days of cardio.
My weight training is already a lot of cardio. Try it out you`ll see what I`m talking about.

If you need for a complete 8-16 week getting in shape routine, get at me via facebook. I`m always looking forward to helping people out... that and it looks good on my resume :)

Go out there and build a sexy body!

So we`ll divide this schedule in 5 days:

Monday: Routine #1
Tuesday: HIIT Cardio
Wensday: routine #1
Thursday: Off
Friday: Routine # 1 with HIIT cardio after a 30 minute break
Saturday: HIIT cardio #1
Sunday: off

The easy, slow steady routine schedule should look like:

Monday: Routine #1
Wensday: routine #1
Thursday: Off
Friday: Routine # 1
Saturday: HIIT cardio
Sunday: off

Routine # 1
Feel focus on a more resistance training in circuit fashion. This means you will move from one excercise to another with little to no break. This is why it is so cardio-demanding. So do one exercise, take a break for the prescribed number of time, then move to next excercise and so on and so forth until the circuit is completed. After you finish the X amount of sets, move to the next circuit until you finish them all.

If you don`t know the name of the exercises look them up on youtube.

I sugest taking small weights 15 to 30 lbs max.

Push-press  12 reps, 10 sec rest
Goblet Squat  10 reps, 10 sec rest
Barbell row     12 reps, 

Rest for 60 seconds then repeat the set
After second set is finished, repeat once more.
After third set is finished, rest 90 seconds and move on to next set.

Barbell Reverse lounge  12reps each leg, rest 20 seconds
Side plank 25 seconds each side, rest 20 seconds
Romanian deadlift  15reps

Rest for 75 seconds then repeat the set
After second set is finished, rest 90 seconds then move to the last circuit

Mountain jumpers 15 reps, rest 15 seconds
Swiss ball crunch 15 reps , rest 10 seconds
Swiss ball alternate crunch,  8 each side, rest 5 seconds
Ab Bycicle , 30 reps

Rest 45 seconds then repeat set.
After second set is repeated. You are done.

Now let me explain how HIIT cardio will work:
3 minute of slow walking.
1 minute of sprinting ( lets say 7.5- 8.5 on your cardio machine, 9-10 if you`re a fast runner)
2 minutes of jogging  ( lets say 4.5-5 on your cardio machine, 5.5- 6.5 if you`re a fast jogger)
1 minute of sprinting
2 minutes of jogging
1 minute of sprinting
2 minutes of jogging
3 minutes of slow walking for cooldown.
Complete for a total of  15 minutes.

If you were not tired at the end of your third set which means your 12 minute, repeat another time the sprinting/jogging cycle.

That is all for now, time to sign off.

Ladies I want your feedback on your workouts. 
Guys I want your feedback on what could the ladies add.