Saturday, December 24, 2011

Cheating like a pro!

No this blog has nothing to do with helping you get your splinter cell on and pass your finals. I could of, but think its kinda late for that. Oops sowraay.

Back to intelligent matter, those who've been following my Facebook page saw that I did a 7-day project of posting everything I eat in order to educate you guys on what is really a healthy diet. Some people spot me posting in the end only 2 meals (sneaky stalkers) and started bitching of how hard it is keeping with only 2 meals in that day.

Guys don't panic! I REALLY want you to starve and get rid of all your cake and cookie eating habits FOREVER..


Fuck that, imagine how horrible that would be? No Oreos? No fruit loops? And specially no cheesecake?
Man that would be one cruel world.
"But Paul! That shits bad for you like a nigga in yo house"(not racist since I used the term "nigga" and mostly just referring at Patrick LoneWolf)

Actually you can use junk food to burn fat. 
Imagine just eating your favourite snacks and that fat melts off to make space for those sexy abs. It's a beautiful world that is quite possible.

Let me elaborate: when you go dieting for a long time, meaning eating whole foods with a calorie intake lower than your daily metabolism needs, your body shreds fat. The more fat you have, the easier it burns. Why? Because the fat inhibits a special hormone that tells your brain when it's time to burn fat, and when it's time to stock it: that hormone is called leptin.

In the most basic way explained, this hormone works like this: a lot of fat = high levels of leptin, not a lot of fat = low levels of leptin.

The higher the level of leptin, the more fat you burn and vice versa. All ex-fatties know how easy it was to burn that first 50lbs and how hard was that last 10lbs. That's because the more you diet and shred fat off, the weaker the signal is to your body to shred off the fat. So if you're skinny, but want even more definition, you're doomed to never achieving it? False

Leptin can be increased temporarily by eating foods high in carbs an fats, basically sparking up your insulin levels. Those foods mainly are chocolate, pizzas, hamburgers, chips, ice cream, CHEESECAKE, etc... All your junk. That doesn't mean you have to eat it everyday and you'll burn forever fat! That's just a stupid assumption, because those foods are high in calories and stack up easily.

With awesome planing, fast-foods could be your sidekicks in fatburning.

There are a LOT of techniques for dieting in using leptin, but I like to I with the classic: 6 days of dieting, 1 day of cheating. It's pretty basic because I'll leave it on a friday or Sunday when I know I'm going to the gym the next day and benefit FULLy from the leptin boost.

When I'm in my cutting phase I prefer eating clean 12 days, cheat on the 13th and fast on the 14th for extreme shredding.

Fasting? How does that work? Unfortunately, go check out my post on AFA: Alchohol, Fasting and being awesome.

So now you know how to eat well without having to sacrifice your favorite foods. I hope you start understanding that this can become a life-style, instead of just another diet till summer. A sexy body can be maintained.

Me and Patrick are releasing the Wolf-Pack Fitness Systems workouts for FREE on YouTube starting the first week of January. So start implementing the diet with the workouts and be ready to make a big step in the quality of your life.

Become better, become who you deserve. Join the pack

AFA: Alcohol, fatloss and being awesome.

Sup guys, finally got less busy and decided to get back on writing the blog. Actually, no I'm just as busy, but decided to put the blog up as priority. Either way,


Today's subject is how to get drunk without ruining your diet... Just in time for the holidays!

While I've been hella busy working on making Wolf-Pack Fitness Systems beginning happen, I've been also busy finishing up school.
Studying for finals, staying up late gathering ideas on work while maintaining a proper diet and hardcore gym-time: it's EXHAUSTING. We got a life to lead but some claim it comes with a lack of energy... Lucky I've always been a hyper kid well stacked on surpluses (had to do a lot with chocolate and being so fat that I'd been sweating in a freezer).

Anyways you know how college works: you finish finals, you get smashed. Period.

I do not encourage that. In fact, I discourage anything that has to do with getting pissed drunk.

Don't get me wrong, I like to drink my casual wine or cognac on ice glass. I think there's a James Bond look to you drinking at the bar, relaxed with a glass of Scotch and wondering if that red-headed in the corner ogling you like an open Frero Rocher is a tease or really just wants you to go there and be the man that will make her...

We're getting off topic here.

It's okay to drink, but people just plain abuse it.
I've been partying for ages with-out getting pissed drunk. Only times I REALLY drink are probably on my birthday and new-years. Even now I'm contemplating if I should only stick to a bottle to a half-bottle of wine for upcoming New-Years. Before you start rage quitting here and have a nuclear mindfuck, there are two reasons for that:

1- I can have fun with-out being drunk. Actually, I even enjoy it more like that. It keeps me in control and game on-point. I know if I happen to meet a hot chick, I won't be like any other Zombie Drunk there trying to score. I'll happen to be a sober Zombie tryin to score. Which is better, 1- you are virtually more attractive, 2-there's less chances of falling asleep when I'm done on my part, and more chance I'll leave my partner soaking in a cloud of toe-curling pleasure.

2- it just furthers me from any of my goals.
Waking up in the morning feeling full from McDee'z, too tired with a hangover and barely remembering anything is not what I call advancing your productivity, nor living.

Some people use booze to open up, but you'd be better off putting your social awkwardness out in the open and improving that, without having to relay on anything. Not only it makes you a better person, but you're not destroying your body while your at it.

Alcohol, specially beer, is an instant fat-gainer. Not only that but it slows down your metabolism, and let's not talk about the alcohol munchies that HAVE TO be obeyed. No benefit except lowering your standards when the place you're in has nothing to offer and you really NEED to destress. You know who you are.

But since I know most of you will probably not give a shit and drink anyways, the best I can do here is teach you on how to do it effectively.

First, stick to HARD LIQUOR.
Beer and wine are high in sugar and it's just asking your blood sugar to spike up and wake up insulin to store it as fat. Straight shots or double jacks on ice will do. Stay away from mixing it with sodas and juices if you want to cut A LOT of cals. Take diet soda if you're too much of a pussy to drink it straight.

If you plan on drinking, make it on a night that you want to cheat completely. Eat till your satisfied but never to the point of discomfort. You'll need the vitamins and minerals, even the bare minimum considering it's all you can get form McDonald's. It will also lower the headache te next morning. Stack up on those leptin hormones and prepare for the last step of war.

Last step- intermediate fasting

When you wake up with a dry mouth, head hurting, feeling pretty much like you had a marathon through the Sahara desert, first thing you want to get is a whole gallon of water. Rehydration is key to getting your system back on track.
The alcohol from your pervious night depleted your mineral resources and slowed down your metabolism to allow your liver to filter out the toxins. Giving your digestive system a break, by fasting the next 24hrs, is the ideal approach to kicking your metabolism back into overdrive and burning off those calories from the night before (assuming you didn't puke it all over that hottie's shirt after some intense flirting).
Since your leptin levels are almost at their highest, we will benefit from this opportunity to get a lactic acid training and a HIIT cardio. Not only you will be burning a pound of pure fat, but you'll see that not eating is quite easy when you're soaking in endorphins.

Things to consider for a proper fast period:
- fast until the next morning, that means no calorie intake what so ever. You can drink diet sodas for the flavor but toute just asking for a spanking.
-you will want to intake some BCAAs every 2-3hrs to avoid muscle loss.
-Drinking some green, white, black and oolong tea will get you maximum metabolism increase while benefiting from the antioxidants.

Fasting is not only amazing for shredding the fat, but it's an awesome body detox that brings a mental clarity: something like you'd be on top of mount Fuji meditating with some hipster monks.

So get your shit together and start making these Holidays a tactical advancement in your progress, not a pitfall to your fat-gain.